Wind, Rain & Routers, Oh My!

S. A. Nealy
3 min readDec 11, 2020


Protect your family data

Photo: S.A. Nealy

With regional indicators pointing toward the onset of another La Nina event, the first to form since 2017; now is the time to prepare.

Preparing for Inclement weather

Hurricanes are surprisingly rare in the Central Pacific region but we do experience our share of tropical cyclones. Weather fronts pass down the island chain during all seasons throughout the year. La Nina increases the number of abnormal climactic conditions that can potentially develop in our region.

List what is most important to protect

Family and technology no doubt will be top of mind when dealing with harsh weather events. Key areas to consider is online connectivity, and data protection. Let’s lightly review.

First — Protect the family

Every family needs an emergency plan regardless if we are talking a wind/rain event or a tsunami. Inform Ohana and loved ones where the nearest shelters are located and coordinate a plan in advance to meet there should the need arise. Construct an emergency kit to cover each member of the family for two weeks. More, please visit:

Tech Backups

As a regular practice, make sure your computer backup is working properly. Now is the time for a current and complete backup. Am external drive or the cloud is typically used. If a portable drive is your back up method, unhook it when complete to store in a safe, dry location. Ziplock baggies work in a pinch to protect data to avoid water damage. If you are required to evacuate, your backup drive is among the items to take. Back up your mobile phone to your computer or use the cloud service built into the phone. In general, remember the tried and true 3–2–1 rule. Data in 3 places, at 2 locations with 1 off premises.


Charge all devices to 100%. Don’t forget any external battery charging units including your vehicle that may have a USB built in. This can be used to charge devices. Be cautious to insure your vehicle is safe to enter and start, however.

If severe weather strikes, electricity may go out. At the first sign this disruption may be a possibility, unplug your desktop computers before the power goes out to avoid any electrical damage caused by power surges. It is best to elevate any computers on the floor and unplug all floor connections.

Potential Insurance Claims

Take photos of your valuable electronics and other household items that might fall prey to water damage.

Connect with loved ones

Social Media has been useful to connect loved ones over the last few years and serves to keep family in touch during what were recent wildfires in the West. Plan ahead what platform to communicate on. Also update your phone voicemail regularly providing updates. It's possible over days that fielding all incoming calls won’t be a wise use of battery power.

Of course, take a long view to help our planet heal by doing your part. I highly recommend Kiss the Ground narrated by Woody Harrelson, now assessable @

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S. A. Nealy
S. A. Nealy

Written by S. A. Nealy

GameDevHq Intern| Former: Champ Car World Series promoter PDX | Advertising and Event Management. NSDAR Salesforce Intern

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