Unity 2d — Learning on MAC

S. A. Nealy
1 min readNov 21, 2020


Day 8 — After purging massive files off the MAC to make space for Unity, Unity Hub, Visual Studio and the like; today was totally focused on building an understanding of this new and exciting game development environment.

Listening to the basic videos myriad times, then practicing in real time while looking up terminology is useful to cement a foundation with which to grasp industry syntax. The key at this juncture is not to compare progress with accomplished coders with which I share space; but to persevere knowing that passion, immersing one self in culture and content will indeed spawn a favorable result.

Yesterday I learned that Visual Studio has a MAC friendly version — a good thing when following teaching videos on VS, thank you Austin! Keep in mind even when a game you’ve spent hours developing disappears into the ether, there’s a lesson in failure. The oh so familiar, “three steps forward, one back” get up and begin again. This time stronger!

C# here I come…




S. A. Nealy

GameDevHq Intern| Former: Champ Car World Series promoter PDX | Advertising and Event Management. NSDAR www.globaleventsgrouppdx.com. Salesforce Intern